One of my favourite parts of the week is the weekend...who's isn't?! Especially when they involved escaping cupcakes, sleepy puppies, drawing pictures with my boyfriend's little boy and little strolls to break up all the laborious revision. At least that is what made this weekend fun. With all the January exam stress it was nice to be able to ignore it all for a few hours each day and just have fun! The only down side to each of these weekends (and a long distant relationship) is for sure the travelling.

Although the puppy, Jensen, can be comedy gold, there is only so much mischief one can take! Especially from such a playful puppy that loves to chomp down on toes, slippers and everything else that he isn't allowed! His habit of shooting from room to room is almost tiring just watching him! However much he annoys you the pup has puppy dog eyes down to a tee. Making it impossible to ignore him when he has been naughty and give into him and cuddle him.

Before Jensen joined the family I was slightly nervous around staffies, given the bad stigma they have attached to them. However, this misconception is something I am quickly learning. Jensen is such a lovely puppy under the mischievous side that just makes him more lovable. He is always excited to see you in a morning (this MAY have something to do with the fact he wants to be fed) and wants to do nothing but cuddle when he is sleepy from all the chewing and running and eating. Despite being an adorable puppy he is quickly growing up...this was made evident when he did THE smelliest poop EVER! No word of a lie, it was toxic.
Another highlight of my weekend were the cuddles and pictures I was given off my boyfriend's little boy. Although we weren't able to go out for an adventure, the rainy day substitute was a winner that kept both of us entertained all afternoon! Despite being scared of the energetic bundle that is Jensen, the loving nature and innocence of a child shone through him as he still wanted to draw pictures for Jensen and every picture had to have a bone for Jensen to chew on.

It is honestly a beautiful thing to be able to witness this innocence. Not only this but it reminded me that even when everything in the "adult world" is going bad, you can always observe is through the eyes of a child and suddenly it isn't that terrible. Furthermore, hearing "daddy, I'm going to draw one for Emily and it is going to be the best one yet" stopped me right in my tracks knowing that I was going to gain something he was going to be proud of. It is a fabulous edition to my university room.
When I wasn't having puppy cuddles or drawing magnum opus' however, the laborious task of revision still existed! No rest for the wicked during exam period. You know you are getting desperate for time when you whip out your battered copy of Herodotus on the train.

The best thing about revising Ancient History though is for sure the disgustingly inaccurate films you can watch and kid yourself that you're actually spending your time beneficially. Academic procrastination at it's best. The best bit of revision it has to be said is taking breaks to clear your head. My favourite part of being in the company of my boyfriend when revising are the walks we go on when I've had enough. There is nothing better than just going for a stroll all snuggled up in coat, hat and scarf and just putting the world to right and laughing with someone who knows you're crazy but still decides to venture out into public with you.
That right there is how I spent my lovely little weekend.