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Me, Myself & God

Writer: AdminAdmin

Here we go guys and gals, on another touchy subject. RELIGION. Dun, dun, dun. I am Catholic. I was raised Catholic, I was christened, did my First Holy Communion, went to a Catholic primary and secondary school and made the decision to be confirmed. (I chose the name Ava just as a tid bit of information). But I was never forced to be so. I chose to go to church, I chose to say my prayers, I chose to be confirmed. This is something that is crucial about religion. It is a choice, a person’s prerogative.

My favourite memory about going to church with my grandma when I was younger was lighting a candle in the chapel. Of course I didn’t understand what I was lighting it for to begin with but that came with time. However, when it came to my last couple of years at high school and college I was introduced to atheism. Instead of going to mass I created, what I thought, a somewhat genius way to give the illusion that I had. My grandparents went to two different masses. Ergo, I would go with my grandad to church where I then met my grandma, who had been to the earlier mass, and went home with her after saying the appropriate “hellos” and “good mornings”. Awful, I know.

In the years that came after this I fell out of rhythm with the man upstairs. Lots happened and I blamed him. I couldn’t understand how He could let certain things happen. But, I never declared myself an atheist…curious. I carried on wearing my cross and believing that there was definitely something that existed.

Recently however, I have found myself turning back to religion for comfort. It comforts me to believe in something, even though I don’t fully know what I believe in yet. I wear my cross, pray my rosary but don’t attend church. For me church is a community and I have never been in a place long enough to be able to slot myself in to one since I was younger.

One thing I know I certainly believe is that everything happens for a reason. Is this God or a Guardian angel? I can’t quite decide. Possibly a bit of both. You will frequently hear me say “If it’s meant to be it will be”. As much as I am supposed to believe as a Catholic that this is the will of God it also brings me great comfort to believe that it is in fact guardian angels.

I believe that the job of a Guardian Angel is to look after people for God, I imagine he is a very busy guy so I guess it is possible that they do in fact carry out the will of God.

Now, this has been a lot of talk about God, even for me so I am going to wrap it up. Like I said earlier Religion is a person’s prerogative. I realise that religion isn’t for everyone and that’s okay! I would also love to hear your thoughts on Religion, it is a topic I do like to talk about.

So, Ta Ta for now!

Em x

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